Этот огромный список идёт под названием "You Know You've Been Watching too Much Ranma 1/2 When:" Если вы читаете мангу на английськом ,то проблемс пониманием не должно быть...

  1. You start to seriously think about how good your male friends would look as girls
  2. YOU want to go to Jusenko, just for a little swim
  3. Piglets just start looking cuter and cuter
  4. You can point out the differences in VIZ's translation from the original
  5. You actually look in the yellow pages for an 'Anything Goes' dojo
  6. Cat, Girl...What's the difference?!?
  7. Seven Words: Nabiki Tendo School of Confidence and Chicanery
  8. You start realizing just how much you really admire the little pervert, Happosai
  9. There's always a pot of water on the boil in your house, Just in case...
  10. Mallets, Mallets, Mallets!
  11. You start realizing you CAN make attractiveness judgements about members of your own sex
  12. Olympic Martial Arts Rythmic Gymnastics!!!!!
  13. For that matter, Olympic Anything Goes Martial Arts!!!!!!
  14. You wonder who would win: Azusa VS. Tanya Harding?
  15. You start looking in biology texts for the exact science behind the mystery of Jusenko
  16. People start to ask who that cute red-head on all your stuff is, and you don't have the heart to tell them it's really a guy.
  17. You take the time to actually write one of these lists
  18. You can easily envision a Martial Arts Making Out tournament with all the Ranma characters participating - R. Morrison
  19. You've watched an episode so many times you have the script memorized... In japanese. And you still go back and watch again. - Shiro Akai Shi
  20. You try to punch so fast you could pluck chestnuts out of a fire. - J. Pratt
  21. You're in Taichi class and you try to build up *heavy* chi for a shishihokodan. - J. Pratt
  22. You practice leaping with your bicycle and dropping on top of people. - J. Pratt
  23. You insult the local bully while running in a helix around him. - J. Pratt
  24. You try to convince your wife that *Ranma* would be a perfect name for your child. - J. Pratt
  25. You decide to learn Japanese in university just so you can understand the original versions of Ranma - Anonymous
  26. You start an insanely long role playing thread on Rec.Arts.Anime.Misc - Jason Heavensrun
  27. You answer the phone with a high-pitched "Nihao"- Jim Jazwiecki
  28. You've got a 7 page paper due in less than 12 hours, you've got one page done...and you go out to rent another tape to watch tonight. -Andrew Huang
  29. You start wearing Chinese outfits, dye your hair purple, and talk in broken english - JSKim
  30. You refer to your grandma as Ranma.....on purpose - Baron Zero/(mIRC: RanmaChan)
  31. You hear 'Shampoo' and the first thing that pops into your mind is a teenaged, Chinese girl with poor grammar. - Pip Hong
  32. Local comic book store workers either nod or shake there head when you come in the store, Knowing that you are looking for the latest video or comic. - Cal
  33. You can go to most Japanese resteraunts and order without seeing a menu - Baron Zero/(mIRC: RanmaChan)
  34. You convert your religion to "ranmism",and try to gain as many fiancees as possible. - James Howard
  35. If you are seriously contemplating wich of the girls in the story would be your perfect life-mate!! - Red Rosie
  36. When you suddenly realize you can subsist on Ramen and Ranma 1/2 alone. - Charles Waters
  37. You and friends pick out characters and you realize that your relationships with each other are exactly like the ones on Ranma. - Jecca
  38. After printing up Ranma 1/2 greeting cards while you're in the computer lab working on an overdue presentation, people start
  39. commenting on how much you look like Ryoga. - Kevin Byrnes
  40. When you decide you just HAVE to learn how to make ramen Japanese style, and then tell your parents all you want for Christmas is RANMA RANMA RANMA! - SS
  41. It's common place for you to hold up signs written in Japanese as excuses for your actions. - Dethgaiden (IRC -Dethgaidn)
  42. You plan the death of Baron Zero (aka Ranma Chan) because he rented the "Tendo Family Christmas Scramble" for the 2nd time when you yourself hadn't seen it yet! - Dethgaiden (IRC -Dethgaidn)
  43. Everyday, you have to explain to your friends about Ranma so that they don't think you've gone crazy. - Ray Vichot
  44. Your French teacher says "Bonjour", you reply with "Ohayou". - Ray Vichot
  45. My three yeared-old sister learned Japanese 'Ranma-style' through sheer immersion oF Ranma videos. - P-chan
  46. You wonder what it would be like to fall in love with Ranma. - Kukuru
  47. You and your friends pick female characters to represent yourselves and you spend hours on end explaining why your character is the best - Crystal (Ukyo)
  48. You only eat boiled pork just in case it's Ryoga - Smiling Esper
  49. You become determined to learn the breaking point technique and attempt to destroy a boulder with your finger. - Bruce Mills
  50. When you buy hundreds of headbands and attempt to tie them all around your head at once. - Bruce Mills
  51. You find yourself continually walking on top of fences. - Bruce Mills.
  52. You start to eat okonomiaki for breakfast, lunch and dinner. - Bruce Mills.
  53. You buy Chinese subs of Japanese versions, even though you don't understand either, just so you can watch them over and over. - BJ Astley
  54. You have a dream in the Ranma 1/2 world, and you end up being Ranma-Chan. Richard Orchard
  55. When Ranma 1/2 characters become regulars in your and your roomates' panorama of imaginary friends. RAV
  56. When you start naming your children after hair-care products. - Rick Zhukow
  57. You start to pour hot water on every red-headed girl and little black pig you see, in the hopes that a cute guy will appear. - Cindy Franklin
  58. You start dreaming in Japanese with English subtitles. - Cindy Franklin
  59. When you can sing all the opening and closing theme songs accurately in Japanese! - shawn joyce
  60. When you host a Live action Ranma game at a Fantasy & Sci-Fi Convention, dress up as you'r fav Ranma Character, and draw more of an audience than the Vendor Sales area, and then send the Video to Viz.- Ghostbear
  61. You are afraid to call in sick for fear that your teacher will think you are a delinquent and use Miss Hinako's Happo Go-en Satsu on you, stealing your chi. - YoshikoS
  62. You spend all day at work looking for Ranma 1/2 sites on the internet instead of doing any work. - YoshikoS
  63. You dump your fiance to try and go out with Akane. - Gunstar
  64. You start wishing that there's someone out there like Kasumi so you can marry her. - Anonymous
  65. You find yourself reading about Ranma's okonomiyaki sell off with Tsubasa in cooking class, of course, this is after you arrived late because you were bought the comic during lunch hour, and you are making okonomiyaki as your final assignment, and you spend the rest of the period explaining the entire series to the people at your table. - The grand VIZier
  66. You try to make up a Ranma character for Vampire the Masquarade, only to get stuck trying to figure out which clan could turn to female when hit with cold water (still working on it :) ) - Patrick Trembley
  67. You use your skills at cross-dressing in order to get into an all boy school. - Pip Hong
  68. You start chasing the fairer sex reciting bad poetry with a bokken. - Pip Hong
  69. Giving inanimate objects a French name doesn't seem so unreasonable anymore. - Pip Hong
  70. You exploit your soon to be brother-in-law for hobby and money. - Pip Hong
  71. You see half of a scroll in an antique shop and you purchase it awaiting the prince of your dreams to arrive. - Pip Hong
  72. To keep your signifigant other's attention you constantly bash them in with a mallet. - Pip Hong
  73. Life seems like a Cursed Training Grounds of Jusenkyo. You never know what your gonna get. - Pip Hong
  74. You cringe at the sight of remotely cold water. - Pip Hong
  75. You consider taking your son on a training expedition when he's the age of 6. - Pip Hong
  76. When you realize your friends look like the characters from Ranma. - Pip Hong
  77. You compare your life problems to Ranma and realize they're not so bad. - Pip Hong
  78. The only reason you're getting along with your younger sibling(s) is solely because of Ranma. - Pip Hong
  79. When someone asks for a commitment you answer no because your keeping yourself for Akane. - Pip Hong
  80. Violence is your answer to a proposition. - Pip Hong
  81. You get your umbrella custom made out of lead. - Pip Hong
  82. You constantly eat soba noodles hoping one of the bowl contains "Super Soba". - Pip Hong
  83. You get older and fear your best martial arts student using "girl-away" on you. - Pip Hong
  84. Your entire life you eat nothing but rice and pickled vegetables (with chopsticks of course!). - Pip Hong
  85. You can carry on a detailed conversation about the latest episode with a roomate that can't stand anime, simply because of sheer repetitiveness. - Nate the Great
  86. You go to your video store and rent every Ranma 1/2 they've got. Then over a long weekend you watch them over and over... - P-Chan
  87. When you start going on nightly panty raids with a foot tall martial arts master - Ran-chan
  88. You try to hide weapons in your hair, up your sleeves, in your pants leg, in your watch,in your shoes, ....... - Anonymous
  89. You trade your son for a fish, rice, and TWO pickles. - Genma Saotome
  90. You spend 10 years searching for your fiancee whose father ran away with your pizza cart and end up carrying a spatula on your back. - Ukyo
  91. You have the tendency to collect and name cute things, even if it means hurting your partner. - Uzusa the Ice Skater
  92. You tell your family that you would rather go to the Cat Cafe (Shampoo's Greatgrandmother's Restautant)and eat Take-Out Ramen than go to McDonalds and eat a hamburger. - Mr Tendou and Genma Saotome
  93. You memorize the entire opening and closing songs to Ranma 1/2, including the songs in the preview for the OAV's, and start learning Japanese to understand The original version. (NOTE: This will happen if you rent less than 3 videos of Ranma 1/2. Each video has only 2 episodes and it is easy to get hooked on this awsome series. This has already happened to my brother and I) - Ranma Freak
  94. When you think of how you can be introduced as a new charcter in Ranma - Sideswipe
  95. When you dream about getting Shampoo for a girl friend. - Sideswipe
  96. When you start to mistaken some of your friends for Ranma Saotome. - Sideswipe
  97. When the nickname that was given to you by your friends is Mousse. -Mousse
  98. You stock a few crates of black roses during gym class - Smiling Esper
  99. You greet people by leaving footprints on their faces - Smiling Esper
  100. When you try to date two people at once. I will date thee! - Sideswipe
  101. You audition all of your female friends (for a choice 5... YOU're already Ranma-chan) so you can all go out and sing DoCo songs karaoke-style - PMC
  102. You try to swallow watermelons whole. - Smiling Esper
  103. You punch lamp posts to see if they will fall. - Smiling Esper
  104. I totally crazy! - Ryoga
  105. Your friends abandon you just because "You always watch that weird cartoon with the big-eyed people" - Qwerty Uiopas
  106. Your excuse for swiping loose change is "to practice the Happo 5-yen Satsue" - Qwerty Uiopas
  107. You start stalking your cat with a kettle of hot water, hoping that it's really a buxom young woman that fell into Jusenkyo. - Qwerty Uiopas
  108. You leave a peach in your absence after sneaking out of class, hoping to trick your teacher into thinking that you were swept away by a prince with a glowing sword. - Qwerty Uiopas
  109. You keep various weapons in your sleeves like swords, maces, rubber chickens, insurance salesmen, etc. - Anonymous
  110. You start putting kitchen knives, iron balls, and explosives up your Extra-Large sweatshirt and throwing them at people, thinking you are Mousse. - Iñaki Lajud(Ranma Fan)
  111. cosmico ranma social distorction by ryoga fans - Itis (Note: Don't ask me about this one people. It just showed up. I have absolutey NO idea what it means.)
  112. When you start to find simarities between "Ranma" world and real life. - Anonymous
  113. You give Ranma 1/2 tapes to all your friends, just to prove your not crazy. - Anonymous
  114. During a trip to China, you stay up till midnight every weeknight to watch Ranma on TV (really!), even though it's all in Chinese. - Tonka
  115. Your Parents ground you because when ever they ask you to get dressed you say "Dry up and die, pervert". - Banana Man
  116. When you wear bootleg Ranma tees everyday and put Ranma stickers on E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! - Kyo-Chan
  117. When you dream about your favourite character kissing you (Oh! Ryouga-kun...) and create shrines to them on your web page.... - Kyo-Chan
  118. You have a map of Jusenkyo. - Watts Isnaim
  119. You bought a CDR drive to store the Ranma Fanfics you has downloaded; You bought a CDR drive to store the Ranma Fanfics you wrote; You need more that one CD to store them all. - Watts Isnaim
  120. You try to sound EXACTLY like the voice actors. - Akane
  121. All your friends don't call you by your real name instead they start calling you, "Shampoo", "Akane", "Ranma" and the rest of the cast -- and they all think you ARE the characters. - Akane
  122. You start to wonder, "When will Ukyo and Ryoga ever fess up and tell each other how they REALLY feel?" :) - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  123. You hear, "SOLD!!",you have a sudden urge for okonomiyaki. - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  124. You sing along with the beginning and ending credits -- in Japanese! - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  125. You begin to inherit one or more of the following: Call everyone sugar, laugh like a lunatic everytime you exit, become totally and hopelessly disoriented, or you run into poles results of bad eyesight (from sitting too close to the screen!) - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  126. You think you should have named your chihuahua P-chan (because he really does!) - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  127. You keep your unmetionables lock'd up. - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  128. You write so many fanfics all at one time about Ranma and you don't have one finished. - Jinxies (#1 Ukyo Fan)
  129. You try and convince all of your friends that "Pandarobics" is real and a good idea (to watch at least!) - Eeliah
  130. You take out your time to make a list of reasons why you're crazy over Ranma--but I have no problem with it! - Anonymous
  131. You and a friend spend several weeks acting like the charecters in the show in order to get the 'mood', then recreate the battles inorder to find out if the person who won in the manga really should have won. - Thorn
  132. You get rid of an original Dali in favor of an early Ukyou.- Thorn
  133. You have a topographical map of Jusenkyo, including the locations of all known springs. - Thorn
  134. You're scared of washing your hair because you might forget Akane. - Anonymous
  135. When I am afraid of swimming in cold water - Maury
  136. When you start looking at your chest everytime you touch cold water. - TAN JUNRONG
  137. You start thinking stealing girl's panties ain't that bad. - Jaclyn
  138. You start letting your hair grow long so that you can braid them into pigtails. - Tien Beng
  139. You sponge off of friends' internet bills just to see that on last Ryoga Shrine - Qwerty Uiopas
  140. You miss far too many days of school in order to read fanfics on the school computer - Anonymous
  141. You get in a twenty-five minute long debate (doesn't seem like much, but it's a LONG time) over why, exactly, precisely, Ryouga deserves Akane's love And Ranma-kun decidedly does NOT. - Marik
  142. Uou dress up as ranma-chan, and everyone belive your a girl, and all the girls are chasing you with tea cettle full of hot water - Anonymous
  143. Whenever you lose your voice, you dress up like a panda and use signs to communicate - Matt DeVore
  144. When your girlfriend beats you up during school because you called her an "uncute" tomboy. - Mark Driggs
  145. You buy a laptop to carry a disk to every night before you go to bed and read more Fan-fiction you found on the web for another 3 hours. - Spatula Boy
  146. After vaporizing a busload of nuns with a flamethrower, yourself with "It ALL Ranma's fault!" even though your pretty sure the devil said to do it! - Keener Barnes
  147. The thing you do the most on your computer is sit around and wait for the Ranma 1/2 screen saver to appear. - Ryoko TDR
  148. You start to suspect your boyfriend is a girl. - Rei
  149. When you promise your best friend that if you have a son and they have a daughter you'll get them engaged. - Mister Panda
  150. When you actually qoute Ryoga 'and the world is a dark and lonely place..', and then you try to shoot a shishihokodan. - makaveli the don
  151. When you go to a local book store to find a phone book on Japan, in order to find the phone number to the Tenou Dojo in order to talk to Nabiki so you can learn how to make money! - Chad
  152. You personally ban yourself from eating pork or bacon, just in case... - Qwerty Uiopas
  153. You start asking girls you like to beat you up!! - Chris Ace!
  154. Your suddenly down cause you've just realised that the girl of your dreams (Oh! Shampoo....) is infact a CARTOON!! - Chris Ace!
  155. Let's clear the stomachs with Akane's food!!! - Eugene
  156. You buy a bunch of paint scrapers and throw them around like Ukyou. - Anonymous
  157. You can keep yourself occupied for hours upon hours by creating Ranma 1/2 stories in your own mind. - Michael
  158. When cats become scary to you and you start meowing after you've seen them too long. - hi-keeba
  159. You become to lie to your mother, because you are afraid that if she known the truth, she forces you to commit Seppaku - Ranmón
  160. When you and your best friend get into a fight about who's beter Ranma 1\2 or Sailor Moon then start screeming battle incantations at each other. - Anonymous
  161. You start to set up a training ground with large poles sticking out of several small springs, calling it Jusenkyo, and hope to make it a cursed training ground by people drowning in the springs. - Matt
  162. You wonder if Zoicyte of Sailor Moon fell into one of the Jusenkyo springs before she was recruited by Queen Beryl. - Darien
  163. You get really excited when you realize that there's a company in New York that makes CUSTOM UMBRELLAS! - Marik
  164. You are sure that The Spices Girls are in fact The New Kids On The Block (surely they Felt into the Nyanichuan during a World
  165. Tour and they bannished from the limelihgt fot this reason). - Ranmón
  166. Instead of a can of pepper-spray, for protection you heft around a giant spatula. - Qwerty Uiopas
    when you argue with your parents, your grandparents, your brothers/sisters, cousins, family, etc. on watching Ranma 1/2 at 1:0
    A.M. - icezer230
  167. You watch two movies and beg all your friends to let you "borrow" their Ranma stuff. - Zakiru
  168. Your Japanese Sensai starts calling you Ranma instead of________(Takumi). - Takumi
  169. When you watch two friends of yours who have a love-hate relationship driving each other nuts (as usual), and you start waiting for the girl to pull a mallet out of thin air and belt the guy into the nearest body of water. -
  170. When you lose your glasses, no one knows why you keep looking for some shampoo. - Lt Nick Fury
  171. You see the principal following you around, waving an electric shaver. - Lt Nick Fury
  172. Your girlfriend hates you whenever she puts on this certain broach... - Lt Nick Fury
  173. Whenever you think up a good idea, you pose dramatically, and crumble into a heap when someone points out the fatal flaw. - Lt Nick Fury
  174. You get lost on the way to the Bathroom. IN YOUR OWN HOUSE. - Lt Nick Fury
  175. Every egg you find, you put on top of your head to see if it will hatch a phoenix. - Lt Nick Fury
  176. You constantly put on puppet shows for your friends to tell them about the latest affair you-know-who had with you-know-who. - Lt Nick Fury
  177. You think your chiropractor has hired a panda for a part-time job. - Lt Nick Fury
  178. Grandma remarks that you constantly call her Oh-ba-ba (or Colonge) - Lt Nick Fury.
  179. You realize Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes" could be a very young Happosai. - Lt Nick Fury
  180. "Ranma Night" becomes a weekly thing for you and your friends. - Lt Nick Fury
  181. You throw Instant Noodles into the Panda Cage at the zoo. - Lt Nick Fury
  182. Your favorite phrases are: -You are SO uncute!
    -I Love you both
    -Wait... which way?
    -You I Kill!
    -Pretty Lady!
    - Lt Nick Fury
  183. You search for an Underground Training Center below your rich friend's house. - Lt Nick Fury
  184. Your ultimate plan for any problem is to run away. - Lt Nick Fury
  185. When your freinds give oyu the nickname "Ranma", and say how good you would look with that pigtail hairstyle. - david"ranma"suursoo
  186. You run around the roofs in your town to get from place to place. - MuMu chan
  187. When actully want to taste AKANE's Food!! - Sky Reaper (John Hurst)
  188. You see Muller and Skully knocking at the door, askign questions about your obseesion with Ranma - Sky Reaper (John Hurst)
  189. You flipped off John Williams Greatest Musical Score (Imperial March) just to watch the Ranma Marathon. - Sky Reaper (John Hurst)
  190. You go to school, dyed your head red, and went to the Marlyn Manson concert Yelling "RANMA AND GOD RULE!" - Sky Reaper (John Hurst)
  191. You can't think straight because all you ever hear in your head is "Yapaapaa Yapaapaa...." - Kay Detgray
  192. You take up chiropracty and acupuncture just so you can meet someone like Kasumi - Kay Detgray
  193. You envy Ryoga because he doesn't have to go to school. -Robert
  194. You start reffering to your friends as (examples) Davechan or Chrischan - Ian MacLean
    you speack japanese better than your school's japanese teacher. just by watching those videos - david"ranma"suursoo
  195. You actually learn enough Japanese to pass a Japanese level one enterance exam by watching Ranma videos. - Jon Roth
  196. You begin wondering about the actual existance of Akane Tendo-based mallet hyperspace. (Where she keeps those BIG mallets to hurt or get Ranma-kun's attention)- Mousse
  197. You get into a fight with bullies from school then realized that, you only have ONE bandana, and you don't know how to throw them. - Saotome Ranma
  198. You go to the zoo and hoping to find a Panda who talk with a sign and will teach martial arts in strange ways - Saotome Ranma
  199. You cried for 3 nights when you found out that Ranma 1/2 series has ended in Japan, but laughed for three days to find out that they have only begun here in the U.S. - Saotome Ranma
  200. You don't think guys turning into girls is a big deal... (eg. Ranma, Sailor StarLights) and can't understand why people who DON'T watch anime think it's "REALLY WEIRD!!" - Elektra
  201. You force all of your non-anime watching friends to watch Ranma in hopes of turning them into major anime fans. - SuperMischief
  202. You start to read the whole list - dingbat
  203. When your brother refuses to eat pork and names his bird p-chan - Anonymous
  204. You start going around your school and home picking up heavy objects and then screaming,"There's a pervert in the bath tub!!" - Jen-Ren
  205. You think Ranma characters should make a guest appearance on Sailor Moon! - I like Nabiki
  206. Everytime you get beat up you make a Slayer(sign language I Love You) sign! - I like Nabiki
  207. Your voice mail box plays Don't make me wild like you. - Mark Youngquist
  208. You have your girlfriend suck on helium so that she will sound like Shampoo - Mark Youngquist
  209. inally you broke up a wall after you punch it (Yes!) - Ranmón
  210. When you run around Walmart with a package of panties screaming 'what a haul what a haul' - Anonymous
  211. You start to call every old woman you meet 'Mackle Jerky' - Ranma-Chan I LOVE YOU
  212. You laugh like a maniac whenever your parents say "You can watch some Ranma now." - Ranma-Chan I LOVE YOU
  213. When You make both a male and female version of a AD&D charecter. - Anonymous
  214. When you dream of falling into the same pool as Ranma and fall in love with Nabiki. - Yoshi Towbiki
  215. You run around with a black rose in your mouth and threaten to strangle red haired girls with your gymnist ribbon - The Black Rose
  216. You start being afraid of Spatulas, gymnastic ribbons, being hit in the head with an older brother... - Chris Judd
  217. When you are chased around by a purple haired girl who is obsessedwith killing you ,then she falls in love with you.
  218. When your parents ask what you would want for lunch and you reply, "Sashimi or sushi..whichever is easier for you." - Ranma 1/2
  219. When you start to say Konbanwa instead of goodnight - Ranma 1/2
  220. When you start calling your siblings "baca". - Ranma 1/2
  221. When the only reason you even bother taking tests on Fridays is to get you parents to take you to Hastings for Ranma 1/2. - Ranma 1/2
  222. When you're reading this page and giggling. - Ranma 1/2
  223. When you've been re baptized as Ranma or one of the other characters. - Ranma 1/2
  224. When you've bought about..oh, 51 Ranma 1/2 cds and vcds. - Ranma 1/2
  225. If you hear the word "Mousse" and imediately picture a guy with swirly glasses and long black hair. - Ranma 1/2
  226. If your Spanish teacher says,"Buenos dias!" and you reply with a "Ohiyo" or a "Ni haow!" - Ranma 1/2
  227. If your alarm clock goes "Ohio..." and blabbers on about something you can't understand in Japanese...and you still love that alarm clock and haven't thrown it against the wall yet. - Ranma 1/2
  228. If you start to lable people as Mousse, Shampoo, Akane, Ranma, etc...instead of as cute, nerd, wierd, or good friend... - Ranma 1/2
  229. If you've started a Ranma 1/2 club. - Ranma 1/2
  230. If you've started a Ranma 1/2 club in other cities as well as your own. - Ranma 1/2
  231. If you would move to Japan just to see Ranma 1/2. - Ranma 1/2
  232. If you've started to submit your own homemade Ranma 1/2 drawings to your local newspaper to be printed... - Ranma 1/2
  233. If you and your best friend start arguing whether Dragonballz, Slam Dunk, Sailormoon, or Ranma 1/2 is cooler - Ranma 1/2.
  234. When you buy 2 sets of every episode so that you have a spare (in case something something happens to the first one) - cursed one
  235. When you dwel on how the world can be a dark and lonly place and notice a strange glow when the lights are off - cursed one
  236. when you spend hours reading/writing Ranma fanfics insted of looking for a real date! - cursed one
  237. You're constently dumping cold water on yourself hoping you'll turn into a red headed girl version of yourself. - Ky-chan
  238. You go to evry Japanese resturant in town and get mad when none of them serve Okonomiyake! - Chris R.
  239. When you start whining like Happosai. - Chris R.
  240. You start thinking what human actors would play which role in a live action movie.And who would be Shampoo? - Chris R.
  241. When you fail gymnastics because as soon as you walk in you start jumping up and down swatting people with ribbons and yelling 'WEEEEE I AM KODACHI !!' - Kodachi Kuno
  242. You start lusting after Shampoo. The sound of her voice makes me wiggly in places I never knew exsisted - Sean Garrison
  243. You post pictures up like Kunou. I'll gladly pay 5000 yen for that computer altered picture of my pig-tailed goddess. Please? - Andre Wong
  244. When you start Running out of Screen Names on AOL and then you start Making up your own Characters Like GIRL RYOGA - Girl Ryoga
  245. When the new Screen names you Create Getting more attention than the Regular On-Line Ranma Names. - Girl Ryoga
  246. When you help Design and Make your own Club called the R.W.O. (Ryoga's World Order) and have like 100 members strong. (you would have named it P.W.O. but a pig isn't very intimidating) - Girl Ryoga
  247. You Consider sitting down in front of the Tube watching Ranma ½ videos on your First date is a GOOD SIGN. - Girl Ryoga
  248. When you give your Friends nicknames (Mousse, Pig Tailed Girl, and Mr Panda) and they start catching on. Soon OTHERS start calling them that but they have No Idea WHY!!! (if you don't already know all of these did happen to me - Girl Ryoga
  249. When you have over 230 Ranma ½ sounds on your computer and you STILL look for more for AOL chat rooms - Girl Ryoga
    you sing "Red Shoe Sunday", "Where Do We Go From Here(You and Me)?" and Know all the word to every Ranma begining and end themes, in the shower. (Don't Laugh...I do!) - Lexi Moon
  250. It begins to rain and you run as quickly as possible hiding under anything so people won't know your 'secret' - Gerardo Calderon
  251. You try to convince your friends that it is indeed possible to jump as high as Ranma and move as fast as Shampoo through the use of modern physics. - Naderbug
  252. You try to feed your friends kariashi. - mu83ahmc@aol.com
  253. You play shogi with a panda. - mu83ahmc@aol.com
  254. You wrap your son in fish sausage and throw him in a pit of starving cats. - mu83ahmc@aol.com
  255. You start to realize that this list ain't that long. - mu83ahmc@aol.com
  256. You tell your friend shes a weirdo for screaming "MARS FIREBALLS CHARGE" and sticking a post it to your head, but you throwing a bandana at her was Perfectly normal. - Lita
  257. Your Engilsh teacher says "write an original poem" So you turn in
    " tomarrow sees undone what happens not today
    indesition brings delays, days lost lamenting
    lost days
    -Ryouga Hibiki"
    - Lita
  258. You think the best way to get a date with your crush is to hide in a mail box (trashcan, Vending machine, Etc..) and follow them around - Lita
  259. You name your pet "Charlotte". It's a mouse - Lita
  260. Whenever you go out to shop, all you look for are characters with red hair, a black pig, a whole group of characters seeming to be a Tendo or Saotome family. - EKC
  261. You start fantacising about your love life to be exactly like Ranma's and Akane's and wish that you could live their life. - EKC
  262. When you would never, ever break the law... Except for pirating Ranma videos. - Jackson Howard Colorado
  263. If you run down the halls of your school screaming "Faster Kasumi! Kill!!! Kill!!!". - Anonymous
  264. When you open your online favorite places folder and all you see is: Ranma1, Ranma2, Ranma3, Ryoga1, Ryoga2, Shampoo1, Shampoo2, ect... - Anonymous
  265. When you have over 100 pictures and posters of boy type Ran-chan on your bedroom walls. (They do fit) - Lai Lai girl RANMA's 4th Iinazuke
  266. You mistake a snow shovel for Ukyo's large spatula. - Geoni Monjeau
  267. You're known on rec.arts.anime.misc as "that strange tomboy who mallets people..." - Anne Packrat
  268. Somebody asked you what a 'Ranma' was, and you beat the poor sucker to a bloody pulp! - James "Lunettes" Howard
  269. You use the pick-up line : "Saotome Ranma dësù. suimasën." - Smiling Esper (Ed. note: This is the infamous 'I'm Ranma Saotome... Sorry 'bout this.' intro.)
  270. When you are upset because you can't get "1/2" on your license plate. (Mine read Penn. Ranma 1-2) - Eric Livengood
  271. You can actually ride a bicycle on roof tops. - Lisa
  272. Your parents say,"First you were obsessed with Sailor Moon... Now Ranma? What next?" and you reply with, "I'll never stop being obsessed with Ranma!" - Lisa
  273. If you like Sailor Mercury for her brains, you immediatley love Nabiki - Lisa
  274. You print off pictures off your computer of Ranma and say to your friends,"1000 yen per shot" - Lisa
  275. You are able to know which Ranma episode is on just by the first three words! - Anonymous
  276. You create your own neighborhood kempo training-circuit, complete with leaping over fences and punching one pole repeatedly for hours. - Fulcrum4
  277. You frequently attempt to leap 40-feet in the air and land on the end of a suspended bokken. - Fulcrum4
  278. You recruit friends to play out the roles of the ending-screen conversations.. ..In Japanese. - Fulcrum4
  279. When you go through EVERY Ranma tape to look for the hidden pics! - Chad Van Walsum
  280. You actually wade through a list like this, and amazingly enough comprehend what the hell everybody seems to be talking about. -Waiting for Kasumi
  281. You consider dying your hair black (or red)and putting it in a pigtail - Larganarg
  282. You dream of finding a boy who turns into a girl, or being one yourself. - Anonymous
  283. You and your friends argue over the exact water temperature that triggers the curse -- and then go try it out. - Waiting for Kasumi
  284. You pour hot water on your stuffed P-chan and _no one_ can convince it's not a cute boy! - Anakin Bester
  285. When teachers of the school remember me to : Hinako Ninomiya & Kouchou - Saiyan
  286. When people stare at you, as you sing the Ranma 1/2 theme song in japanese. - TreeFerret
  287. One goal you've set is to kiss 1,000 girls. - Anonymous
  288. You suddenly start to call every single red-haired girl with pigtails "my pigtailed goddess". - Anonymous
  289. When attempting the "Dance of Death", it backfires and you've fainted standing up. - Anonymous
  290. when every time that your mother visit you. You dress up like a woman and say her that you are your girlfriend's cousin. - Ranmón
  291. You finally get a date with the guy of your dreams and take along a mallet, several yards of rope, and poisoned cookies--just in case. - Itlan-Chan
  292. You buy your clothing extra large and hope that *this time* that damned swan training potty will fit in your sleeve... - Itlan-Chan
  293. Your parents are looking for the garden tools, kitchen utensils and the family toilet, and when your father comes to take it all back, you hit him with three yards of chain and call him "Enemy of All Women". - Itlan-Chan
  294. You get sent home from school because the principal found a weed-wacker and a collection of shiny shuriken in your gym locker. - Itlan-Chan
  295. You start writing comprehensive essays on the similarities between Kuno Kodachi and B-Ko. - Itlan-Chan
  296. You carry a crab mallet around in your pocket (hey, the sledge hammer wouldn't fit!!!!) - Nimue
  297. You want to go into the rugged mountains of deepest China to train with a foot tall amazon ghoul - Ranma Spawn
  298. The majority of your vacabulary consists of the word "BWEE!! - Nimue"
  299. You are watching an old movie that takes place in japan, and a redheaded girl comes on, starts talking about multiple fiancees, and insists that she needs to boil some water, and you get VERY excited. (This movie does exist, its called "Walk, Don't Run" - Nimue)
  300. You work at a place where the uniforms look like Ranma's outfit. You go out die your hair and put it in a braid. You also insist people call you Ranma. - Widdle Azusa Chan
  301. You refer to going on any trip you take as "Training" - Widdle Azusa Chan
  302. When you record in audiocassetts all your Ranma videos just to bring them to that class trip. - Latis
  303. When you attempt to drown people in the bird bath in your back yard, in hopes that it might just become one of the many Jusenkyo springs! - anonymous
  304. When all you have to do is start humming the original theme song around your friends and _three_other_ people_ immediately start humming in synch with you until Tony threatens to scream. - The Lion Down Under
  305. When you get REALLY, REALLY ANGRY at your mother (!) for watching some episodes that you have never seen without you while she is out of town. - Chibi-Chibi-chan
  306. You call your best friend on the phone, get their mother and ask: "Would you just tell Ukyou to call Sha-chan? Arigato!" - Shampoo
  307. You buy Ranma comics and read them over and over EVERYDAY and feel that that is what you live for. - 2t
  308. You propose to your friends about what it would be like to become a girl when doused with cold water and try to figure out everyone's reaction to it. - Sauron Tirith i Curunir
  309. You compete with fellow Ranma 1/2 fanatics on what would be the most pathetic change if you're doused with cold water. I think a puddle of water was the best. - Sauron Tirith i Curunir
  310. When you and your friends run aroung your house for an entire weekend actinglike Ranma character's, knock over a table twice breaking the tops off the sterling siler salt and pepper shakers that shouldn't have been there in the first place,and still call each other by their Ranma names - Jusnkyogrl
  311. You wirte 5 ranma fanfics....AT THE SAME TIME! - Jusnkyogrl
  312. When Happosai at you Ranma½ party leave with bruises because he decided to run around Shampoo house with one of Shampoo Bra! - Jusnkyogrl
  313. After spraying your cat with hot water (just in case) and it doesn't change you realize you had it since it was a kitten and it never left for more than a day - Jusnkyogrl
  314. You think all your pets that ran away really went to Jusenkyo, fell into the spring of drowned girl or boy and are now some of your best friends - Jusnkyogrl
  315. You deside to try and learn Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken, but then decide not to because you don't have any chesnuts and the only place you have to buil a fire is a barbque and you worried you might grab a coal instead of chestnut anyway - Jusnkyogrl
  316. When you actually read all these to use as a check list. - Anonymous
  317. You name your pet P-chan even though it's a fish. - Ranma-chan
  318. You scream battle moves at your parents because they want to see your newest Ranma manga and you haven't read it enough yet (meaning you don't know the whole thing word for word) what? Die mom Shi-shi-hou-ko-dan!!! No you can't see my manga it's mine. mine, MINE ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - The Ranma Elf
  319. You say mean things to your teachers in Japanesse and threaten to get Ms. Hinako if you don't sit down and behave - The Ranma Elf
  320. Before every sentence you say, "HIYA!!" in a high pitched voice - anonymous
  321. When your boyfriend chases you around calling you 'pig-tailed girl' - Stormagnet
  322. You have a pathological fear of cats(hey, I do. Long story. Not pretty.) - Ranma-chan
  323. When your dog looks like a little black piglet that wear a yellow and black bandanna, and is named P-chan - The Ranma Elf
  324. When you send mean letters to the people who make AD&D because there are no Bandannas or umbrellas in the weapon section. - The Ranma Elf
  325. You visit the shampoo asile at the supermarket and are diappointed when you find hair care products - Ranma-chan
  326. You root and cheer for the characters, cry, and laugh while watching the show. Even though you allready seen it 20 times. - Ranma-chan
  327. When you are no more than 20' from your home & you've no idea where you are. - Lost-boy Kennedy
  328. You create obscure martial arts activities(i.e. Martial Arts Basketball, Martial Arts Monopoly, Martial Arts Rummy...) - Ranma-chan
  329. Your friends have dreams about buying you tapes of Ranma 1/2. - Ranma-chan
  330. When you buy a panda-shaped PEZ dispenser and name it Genma. - Stormagnet
  331. When your baby sister, who knows exactly three other words- mama, papa, and baba- runs around screaming 'Ranma' at the top of her lungs. - Stormagnet
  332. You become upset because your local supermarket does't carry passion spice. - Ranma-chan
  333. You plan a trip with all your friends to China and then try to curse them including yourself. - Ranma Wanabe
  334. You pick specific names for each one of your friends and try to think of differant animals that they look like - Anonymous
  335. When you force every one you know to call you Ranma(etc).....Untill you can get your name changed legally, that is. - LunaTCat
  336. Every time you watch somthing else besides Ranma All you can think is Crossover! - Widddle Azusa Chan
  337. You start to have Anything Goes Martial Arts Stage Combat in your drama class with your best friend, when the teacher isn't looking! - Chinagirl97
  338. You bring your entire collection of Ranma tapes (All of the U.S released dubbed versions) with you to Senior Week and rewatch all of them instead of going to beach. In this act you also force your friends to watch it with you because it's your VCR and it's the only T.V. available! - Anonymous
  339. When you talk to your neigbor's dog, no matter what your parent's say his name is. I-chan
  340. You buy most of the Ranma 1/2 C.D's... and you don't even know how too read Japanese so you can find out what songs are on it! - Nabiki Worshipper
  341. You start to imagine what it would be like if Happosai made his way into a Victoria's Secret store each time you walk in. (Ooh! What a haul!) - Geoni Monjeau
  342. It's Halloween, and the best costume you can think up is a red gi and a pot of hot water. - Waiting for Kasumi
  343. You spontaenously yell "pickles!" for no apparent reason. - Tuxedo Andrew
  344. You have two pet rats named Ranma and Akane, and although they are both girls, you have to explain to your friends how come you accidentally keep referring to one of them as a "he". - Tuxedo Andrew
  345. When you know have passed math with "A+" you start to run like Ranma and start to sing "Dont make wild like you" - Ryouga-chan
  346. You know all the songs in the whole Ranma series in english and japanese and invite your friends over for sing a longs. - Nicole
  347. No matter what place you go, even if it's your house, you always wind up getting lost just like Ryoga does. - Geoni Monjeau
  348. You actually sit here and read all these...and then go watch some more. - Anonymous
  349. When you're too tired to sit up and your son insists that you watch the whole list with him, and you also know what they are really talking about. - Mihoshi
  350. Your mother asks you to go to the store for some mousse, and you end up bringing home a person with long black hair and large eyeglasses that carries a load of weapons underneath his robe. - Geoni Monjeau
  351. When you get angry at someone you call them "Baka" - John
  352. You read all the synopses of all 161 episodes of the tv series on the net and you crave for more.
  353. You almost kill your friend for not telling you about the Ranma1/2 convention in Edmonton last weekend, but forgive him when he loans you his Ranma1/2 video collection instead. I wonder if he wants it back...? - The Crystal Dragon
  354. When asked where you wanted to go this summer you answer Jusenkyo so you could see the cursed springs and Tokyo in hopes of seeing the characters from Ranma (except Ryouga) - Anonymous
  355. You buy all the Ranma comics that are in Japanese and you don't even know Japanese - Anonymous
  356. When you know what Soun's source of income is. - Nabiki
  357. When you trash any japanese resturaunt that doesn't serve super soba - Ukyo
  358. When Ryouga comes knocking on you door. - Anonymous
  359. You make your girlfiends nickname Akane and yours Ranma - Joey Whipp
  360. You take the time to read this list and realize you've had many of the same expiriences - Alexis
  361. You can say "You are SO uncute!" in three different languages!!! - Stormagnet
  362. You come out of your room after watching epasodes of Ranma and your mothers shouts "Who are you!?" - Anonymous
  363. When even you have called your friends by their ranma nick names so long even their family calls calls them that name - ranmaPTB
  364. When you one day, give up your life savings to have a plastic surgeon change your face (or figure) to look like Ranma (boy) or (girl) - Stanely Ong
  365. You design a C++ program to run in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your computer that randomly choses a different RANMA 1/2 startup/shutdown screen for Windows 95. - The Crystal Dragon
  366. When your favorite candidate for the Mexico City's mayorship was Alfredo Del Mazo ("Del Mazo" means ¨"O'Mallet") - Ranmón
  367. When you cried an entire night when understood that it doesn't matter how skillful figther you are or how is your clothes' style or what kind of haircut you wear: YOU NEVER GONNA BE SOMEBODY LIKE RANMA (snif,snif) - Ranmón
  368. when you are a spanish-talking dude and include in your ordinary vocabulary the followings exclamations: "You Pervert!" "Curse you!" "How disgusting!" "How patetic!" etc, etc, etc. - "Caballo Loco" Zagala
  369. when your english improves because your Ranmamania (The only problem is when somebody ask you for the time you answer: "I don't know... pervert!" - Ranmón
  370. You find you have the ability to pull out interdimensional mallets to smack the nearest person in pig-tails. - Antoine
  371. You start to know the names of the people that work at the viedo store and they know yours. - Anonymous
  372. When you argue with your friends for hours on whether it's Ukyou or Ukyo. - Kimmee
  373. When you realize eating just ramen is a great way to loose weight, because all your money is going to that darn Ranma addiction - anonymous
  374. When you see someone who's hair is braided and wears a red shirt, you say,"Yo! Ranma!" - Jericho
  375. While watching the 2nd episode oh AH My Goddess, after Keichii, and Belldandy splash each other you're suprised that they don't change into anything - Alex "Shampoo"
  376. When you and your friend debate for a half an hour wether the subbed version of "Nihao My Concubine" Is better than the Dubbed just because Ranma says "if we eat Akane's cooking we'll all blow chunks and die." in the sub. - Alex "Shampoo"
  377. If your friends stand outside and hear you say "Nihao!" like Shampoo and they think you are watching Ranma ½, 'cause you do it so well - Alex "Shampoo"
  378. You can do a convincing impression of Shampoo without the use of helium. - Alex "Shampoo"
  379. You start to wonder that If Ranma and Akane ever have kids, Will their kids be as violent, and stubborn as their parents? - Alex "Shampoo"
  380. You find out how the Ranma ½ manga ends and sulk for days on end. - Alex "Shampoo"
  381. Somebody pulls out a sword and you try to jump and stand on it, ouch - Kuno
  382. When all you have to do on a sunday afternoon is download Ranma 1/2 fanfics off the internet - Anonymous
  383. When you think you saw the light, and have dreams about opening your own ramen shop, and repeatily yell, "Ranma, Koroso!!!!!" - Akane Bonificako
  384. You start practicing flipping fishcakes at people, just in case they try to kiss your significant other. - Roberts Lee
  385. You give all the animals in the pet store French names, ask them if they want to "go home wif Mommy" and try to take them out of the store then and there. - Roberts Lee
  386. Your parents finally say, "Okay, you can have a pet. What kind of pet do you want?" and you say you want a black piglet. - Roberts Lee
  387. You won't let anyone go out with you unless they defeat you....and thus wind up dateless every Friday night! - Roberts Lee
  388. While on vacation with a friend, you make her watch the Ranma 1/2 videos you buy, and when you get back, she asks to borrow all of your Ranma tapes. And you say no because you're afraid something might happen to them. - Steph
  389. When you spend your lif savings on a pig farm and water heater,in hopes that one will be Ryouga-chan,no da. - Lai Lai girl Ranma's 4th inazuke
  390. When you start looking for 'shishihokodan' in your cross world puzzles. - Adam S.
  391. You go university, learn Ranma1/2ese... er, japanese, and think it's the hieght of coolness when you call up Toukyou long distance just to order the super obscure Ranma1/2 RPG and pay so much for it that you can't afford the afformentioned university anymore. Excuse me, I have to log off and make a long distance call now... - OtokoRanma
  392. You take a vacation in Hawaii, and the bulk of you spending money goes to buying Ranma tapes. - Ken S.
  393. You stop every asian person on the street and ask them where the cursed training ground of Jusenkyo are - Obsessed with Ranma
  394. You can actually pronounce the Jusenkyo properly. - Obsessed with Ranma
  395. The person who sleeps in the next room over tells you you mutter Japanese in your sleep. - Blue Thunder Yoma
  396. You actually become jealous of some of the female characters of Ranma 1/2 'cause you've fallen for Ranma! - Ginger
  397. You can sing the opening and ending theme songs ... in English AND Japanese! Oh, so okay, you sing what it sounds like they're saying in Japanese! - Ginger
  398. When the day after you come to take the college exams knowing that you have not touched the books. - Goran Grzinic
  399. When you look through travel brochures and hope to find a travel package to Jusenkyo. - Alonso Rabang
  400. You search your town for antique stores that sell phoenix eggs. - Anonymous
  401. You spend most of your time deciding who's cuter Shampoo or Ukyou. - Anonymous
  402. When you go nutt and I write stuff like:"Cosmico ranma social distorction by Ryoga Fans" (This in Mexico is knowing as "Cebollazo" ,an onion hit and it means hint) - Ranmón
  403. You go to every pet store looking for a cute little black pig - Ranko g
  404. When you start eating more than your father, who just so happens is bald and wears glasses - Ranko g
  405. You try making okomiyaki at home, then after failing decide to go to Ucchans ( one step out of the front door and you remembered they're not real) - Ranko g
  406. You start thinking your mom is related to Akane. Well at least they cook the same food. - Ranko g
  407. A guy asked you to the school dance and you replied "Baka Kuno". - Ranko g
  408. You actually tried jumping on top of the school to get a basketball. then stop when you notice everyone's staring - Ranko g
  409. You see a stray cat a run frantically behind your friend for hot water - Lon Chan
  410. In class you daydream about your english teacher sucking your battle aura and when she calls on you you reply " AH! Nani yo!" - Ranko g
  411. When you wear a chinese dress on the last day of school and walk around saying "ni hao!" - Ranko g
  412. When your friends splash you with their hot cocoa and shove you into the boy's locker room. ( I never did forgive them.) - Ranko g
  413. You date a girl purely on the fact she talks like Shampoo. - Sean Lydon
  414. When you print out the entire list and read it over and over again!!!!! (I really do this!!!!) - Alonso Rabang
  415. When you make 42 page long list of a "You know when your watching to much Ranma 1/2 when..." page - Crysx
  416. When the relation with your father is spiced with violence - Ranmón
  417. When your sister and your mother can't cook, your father say "I have no choise, I will use secret cooking technique" and then he slaps the back of your head and tells you "LOOK WHAT YOUR WEIRD CARTOON MADE ME SAY!!(Chale!) - Ranmón
  418. When your father wears a Panda suit every time that he wants to give you an advice ("If you can't with them...") - Ranmón
  419. Every time that you train in the Muay Thai gym, You play in the sound system of the gym the your cassette with the Ranma music (including "red shoe sunday" and others DoCo songs)and your mates hate you for this reason,(honestly, they want to kill me...but they can't. hi ho!) - Ranmón
  420. When your sister just for be bad with you, post a sign in your back that say "TRAVESTI" (Cross-dresser) - Ranmón
  421. When you are determined to make your friends refer to you as Ryoga Hibiki - Jackie-Chan
  1. When your college organize "The anything goes cross-contry race" with the followings rules: The runners must wears chinese clothes, The race will run above the fences of the college, The race will be unisex, The runners will use a pig tail. (Of course I am trainning for this competition) - Ranmón
  2. You try and write one of these things, but are so tired from being on the net since 12:30 a.m. reading all that you can about Ranma, that you pass out at the terminal and wake up 9 hours later only to realize that your going to have one hefty internet bill this mounth. - Mr. Tired
  3. I've seen Ranma½ and began... addict of Karate. - RSVJ
  4. You start to use Happö Go-en Satsu, then realise that your 5-cent coins don't have a hole in them. - Smiling Esper
  5. Then you start to use Happö Gojyu-en Satsu, then realise that your 50-cent coins don't have a hole in them either. - Smiling Esper
  6. You're always sayin,' "What'd ya do that for?" everytime anyone does anyhthing to you. Hell, that's pretty much how you greet people from now on. - TTT
  7. You realize that you actually feel culturally deprived because you haven't yet read the sequel to a fanfiction about a japanese cartoon so you can join in discussing the relationship of said fanfic to Takahashi's work. - Prism
  8. You realize that you like Ryoga Hibiki because you married someone just like him! - Prism
What are you talking about,
- Lord Byron.
PS: Прочитавши это я понял, что я ещё не сильно помешаный :) ... есть и случаи похуже


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